Website development for C-BLOK

The construction company C-BLOK decided to improve its important online presence, they needed to create a simple and modern website, so they turned to VEBI.


Project goals

  • Create a website design taking into account the client’s preferences;
  • Receiving visual materials from the client for their placement;
  • Creation of a website according to modern programming standards.

Chosen solutions

  • Next.js is the front-end of the site, this framework was chosen due to various advantages, such as: the possibility of server-side rendering (SSR) or static generation (SSG) (for the best SEO indicators and performance), automatic optimization of images and -for the great potential for scalability and flexibility, to maintain long-term individual development of the site.


  • Start of project implementation - 07.08.2023;
  • Complete delivery of the quality checked and published project - 26.08.2023.


The client was completely satisfied with the quality and speed of the service provided, as well as the opportunity to realize his design wishes to achieve strategic goals in the digital environment!