
Comparison of human and AI text


In a world where information is the key to success, it is important to be able to distinguish between human text and that generated by artificial intelligence (AI). Both sources have their own unique characteristics, and understanding their differences has become increasingly important in the overloaded digital age as AI is increasingly used to create all kinds of texts, which is already causing various specific problems. For example, loss of quality, individuality and originality of texts, as well as the appearance of a huge amount of information garbage, unfair SEO competition, fake news and much more!

Fundamental difference in text construction

A person creates a text based on his personal experience, knowledge, intuition and creativity. At the same time, the text usually has emotional overtones, an individual style, and may include non-standard solutions and thoughts that may interest the reader. The personality and tone of a text often depends on the personality of the author and the context in which it is created.

And artificial intelligence is based on algorithms and learning from large amounts of data. It is capable of analyzing vast amounts of information and generating text that can and does try to be logical, clear and consistent with given parameters. However, AI lacks human intuition and creativity, and its writing may remain lacking in emotional depth and personal style.

Comparison of human and AI text

Human text, Russian folk tale “Kolobok”:

“Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. One day an old man asks:

- Bake a bun, old woman.

- What should I bake it from? There is no flour.

- Eh, old woman! Scrape along the box, mark along the bottom; Maybe you'll get enough flour.

The old woman scraped the box, swept the bottom of the barrel, and collected two handfuls of flour. Kneaded it with sour cream, fried it in oil and put it on the window to cool.

The bun lay there and lay there, and suddenly it rolled - from the window to the bench, from the bench to the floor, along the floor and to the doors, jumped over the threshold into the entryway, from the entryway to the porch, from the porch to the yard, from the yard through the gate, on and on. .

The bun is rolling along the road, and a hare meets it:

- Kolobok, Kolobok! I will eat you!

- Don't eat me, slanting bunny! “I’ll sing you a song,” the bun said and sang:

I'm scraping the box

By the end of the day it's swept away,

In sour cream mixed,

Yes, there is yarn in butter,

There is a chill on the window;

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

It’s not smart to get away from you, hare!

And he rolled on; only the hare saw him!..

The bun rolls, and a wolf meets it:

- Kolobok, Kolobok! I will eat you!

- Don't eat me, gray wolf! I'll sing you a song!

I'm scraping the box

By the end of the day it's swept away,

In sour cream mixed,

Yes, there is yarn in butter,

There is a chill on the window;

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

I left the hare

It’s not smart to get away from you, wolf!

And he rolled on; only the wolf saw him!..

The bun is rolling, and a bear meets it:

- Kolobok, Kolobok! I will eat you.

- Where can you, clubfoot, eat me!

I'm scraping the box

By the end of the day it's swept away,

In sour cream mixed,

Yes, there is yarn in butter,

There is a chill on the window;

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

I left the hare

I left the wolf

It’s not smart to get away from you, bear!

And he rolled away again; only the bear saw him!..

The bun rolls and rolls, and a fox meets it:

- Hello, bun! How cute you are!

And the bun sang:

I'm scraping the box

By the end of the day it's swept away,

In sour cream mixed,

Yes, there is yarn in butter,

There is a chill on the window;

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

I left the hare

I left the wolf

Left the bear

I'll leave you, fox, even more so!

- What a nice song! - said the fox. - But I, little bun, have become old, I can’t hear well; sit on my face and sing louder one more time.

Kolobok jumped onto the fox's face and sang the same song.

- Thank you, bun! Nice song, I'd love to hear it! “Sit on my tongue and sing for the last time,” said the fox and stuck out her tongue.

The bun jumped on her tongue, and the fox - ah! - and ate it.”

AI text, fairy tale generated upon request:


“Write a folk tale about an entity whose actions will suggest several thoughts:

- You can avoid troubles with the help of cunning.

- You shouldn’t be too self-confident and brag a lot - sooner or later “Fox” will get in your way.

- You have to be careful with those around you: they can be very hypocritical."

AI used for the test (GPT-3.5):


The result, a fairy tale:

“Once upon a time there lived three comrades in a distant forest: the Bear, the Wolf and the Hare. They had been friends for many years and always solved the mysteries of the forest together.

One day, while walking through the forest, they heard about a strange entity that supposedly had wisdom and knew the answers to all questions. All three decided to go in search of this entity.

After a long search, they came across a small clearing where an old oak tree stood. On its branches sat the Fox, known for her cunning and wisdom in the forest.

“Here I am, Lisa,” she said, smiling. "How can I help you, friends?"

The bear, proud and self-confident, immediately spoke: “We came for your wisdom, Fox. Tell us how to avoid trouble in our forest?”

Lisa smiled, pondering the answer. “You can avoid trouble with the help of cunning,” she answered. "You don't always need to solve problems with force; sometimes intelligence and cunning can be more effective."

The wolf, whose heart was beating with pride, asked: “How can you avoid being too self-confident and boasting about your achievements?”

The fox looked at him with intelligent eyes. "Remember that sooner or later a 'Fox' may come your way," she said. "Don't forget about modesty and respect for others, because pride can lead to unexpected consequences."

The hare, always careful and vigilant, asked: “What to do with those around you who may be hypocritical?”

Lisa nodded in understanding. "Beware of those who hide their true intentions behind a mask of friendliness," she warned. "But remember that not everyone is always what they seem. It is important to be vigilant, but also not to lose faith in kindness and sincerity."

So, after a long conversation with the Fox, the Bear, the Wolf and the Hare realized that wisdom and the ability to distinguish truth from lies would help them get through the trials of life in the forest. Their friendship became even stronger, and the lessons they learned from meeting the Fox became a reliable compass for them in the dark corners of the forest.”

Pros and cons of human and AI text

Pros of human text:

+ Individuality and originality

+ Emotional appeal

+ Ability to create non-standard and creative solutions

+ Depth and nuance

Cons of human text:

- Errors and inaccuracies are possible

- Requires time and effort to create

Pros of AI text:

+ Fast and efficient text creation

+ Can process large amounts of data on the basis of which it will create text

Cons of AI text:

- Lack of emotional depth

- Risk of creating superficial and monotonous content

What does this technological development mean for SEO?

The use of AI in text creation can affect SEO optimization. Possible risks include the possibility of duplicate content or text that does not correspond to search engine queries. However, AI also provides opportunities to automate and streamline the content creation process, which can have a positive impact on your SEO strategy.


- Duplicate content: AI can create texts that are highly repetitive of existing content on other web pages.

- Lack of quality: Sometimes AI can generate texts that do not meet quality criteria for SEO, such as relevance, informativeness or understandability.

- Deterioration in search engine rankings or complete blocking: If a page contains AI-generated content that does not meet Google's criteria for quality, uniqueness and relevance, it may suffer a decrease in rankings or be completely removed from the Google index.

- Poor user experience: Text generated solely by AI can often remain impersonal and uninteresting for readers, which can impact user engagement rates and traffic retention.


+ Content Automation: Using AI to generate text automates the content creation process, reducing the need to manually create large amounts of text. This can be especially useful for websites with a large number of pages or platforms with constantly updated content.

+ Increase the volume of content: AI can create texts faster than a person, which allows you to increase the volume of content on the website. This can be useful for satisfying user requests and increasing search engine visibility.

+ Accuracy and optimization: Using AI can improve the accuracy and optimization of text in terms of keywords and structure. This can help improve your search rankings and attract more targeted traffic.


Despite the fundamental differences between human-generated text and AI-generated text, the two approaches can complement each other, striking a balance between uniqueness and efficiency in content creation and search engine optimization.