Personal CMS development for MaksV

MaksV ordered the development of a website from us, but an equally important goal of the clients project was to create the simplest and most convenient property management system on the website so that employees could use it without special training.


Project goals

  • Create a personal CMS for quick and easy management of real estate posted on the site;
  • Required functionality: set up cities, add and configure real estate (photos, title, video, description, geolocation on Google map and other parameters);
  • Text management in 3 languages (EN; RU; LV).

Chosen solutions

  • Next.js - for back-end and front-end, to reduce the time spent on creating a personal CMS and the cost of the project. This solution also made it possible to achieve impressive website speed.


  • The beginning of the implementation of the set goals - 18.04.2023;
  • Full delivery of a workable and published project - 31.05.2023.


The client was very satisfied with the personally developed CMS, which is ideally suited to the specific needs of the client, and also retains the opportunity for any improvements to the site and management system in the future with a strong increase in the required functionality and business tasks in the digital environment.

Customer review

“I love the speed of the site, customer just called me to quickly ask what our price is, it took me exactly as long as it took me to click on the left mouse button 3 times and write 49 in the search bar. It’s like a huge Excel table, only beautiful and works even faster, because it’s immediately clear where to look” - MaksV - Robert Belomoin, 13.06.2023

Screenshots of the CMS in use
