Automatization custom scripts

An online store from Moldova approached us with a problematic, unoptimized script, the purpose of which was to automate the collection of information from partners to import information into the client’s online store.


Project goals

  • Optimize the script, since its full application takes more than 8 hours;
  • Improve the script and eliminate problem areas.

Chosen solutions

  • TypeScript, Node.js - for writing a script and implementing the collection of only new or changed information from partners in a CSV file, which made it possible to reduce the use of the script to a matter of minutes instead of hours.


  • Start of discussion of the project - 09.03.2023;
  • Successful completion of the project - 24.03.2023.


The client was very satisfied with the VEBI service, as the work was completed efficiently and relatively quickly, all project goals were met and the script was optimized approximately 96 times, which now allows the client to synchronize more than 70’000 products in minutes.