Todalya online store design

The Todalya team, which deals with e-commerce of cosmetics and more, contacted us as the first part of the entire project - it was necessary to do only the website design first!


Project goals

  • Create design layouts of the entire site;
  • Take into account the client’s wishes when creating a design;
  • Be based on the already formed brand packaging style;
  • Create a simple, confident design that drives sales conversions.

Chosen solutions

  • Figma - for creating design layouts for the entire site.


  • Start of discussions on the project - 23.08.2023;
  • Delivery of the entire design - 25.09.2023.


The client received high-quality and fast provision of services, all the necessary wishes - comments on the version proposed by our designer were made, which allowed the client to obtain the desired design of the online store. After which we began the second part of the project - the technical implementation of ideas and design.